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Career Day

Area High School Students on Campus April 5 for Career Day

Butte College Career Technical Education Department hosted hundreds of high school students on Wednesday, April 5, from 8:45 a.m.– 1 p.m. at the main campus. Freshman through seniors selected 4 areas of career occupations they are interested in pursuing. Butte College faculty in Law Academy, Fire Academy, Nursing, Respiratory Therapy, Paramedics, Business Education, Engineering & Drafting, Environmental Horticulture, Recording & Studio Arts, Digital Arts & Design, Welding, Heavy Equipment, Elementary Teacher, Early Childhood Education, Coding, Information Technology, and Career Assessment provided 30 minute interactive sessions. Each session highlighted the academic and soft skills necessary to find success in the pathway with a goal of earning a living wage upon completion. Participating high schools included: Prospect, Colusa, Butte County Office of Education, Biggs, Chico, Durham, Paradise, Pleasant Valley, Glenn County Office of Education, Elk Creek, Las Plumas, Oroville, CORE, Heartstone, Hamilton, Orland, Princeton, Willows, Ridgeview, Maxwell, Nevada Union, Quincy, Youth Build, Los Molinos, Yreka, Hometech charter and e-learning academy. Butte College offers 160 Career and Technical Education programs designed to prepare students to enter their selected career or occupation.

Butte College | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 | General Information (530) 895-2511

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